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Running Weight Loss Plan: How to Effectively Use Running as a Weight Loss Tool

By Trainest Team

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Aerobic cardiovascular exercises, such as running, are great for weight management, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. Being committed to your running for weight loss plan has numerous physical and mental benefits.

But aside from weight management, running also helps with increasing bone density, building muscles, improving cardiovascular health, and strengthening respiratory health.

Use this article to learn everything you need to know to run your way to reaching your fitness goals, from knowing the proper running form to creating the right running plan for weight loss.

Setting a Goal and Tracking Progress

Setting long-term goals allows you to concentrate on the big picture. Overall, they can help you transition from a crash diet to making lifestyle changes. Long-term goals may appear too difficult or distant. So, breaking down a long-term goal into smaller, short-term goals may be beneficial. Celebrating small wins can keep you motivated to continue progressing.

4 Ways to Maximize the Benefits of Your Weight Loss Running Plan

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Pay attention to your diet. You might be burning calories from running, but you might find it hard to lose weight if you’re consuming more calories than what you’re burning.

Push yourself but don’t overdo it. Yes, it’s good to run a few steps longer than your goals, but you might stress your body too much if you don’t find the time to recover or if you run an extra mile despite feeling very exhausted already.

Stay hydrated. It’s common to mistake thirst for hunger. So, after your run, start with a large glass of water.

Occasionally run before breakfast. Those who exercised before breakfast burned twice as much fat as those who exercised after breakfast. However, fasted runs should be performed at an easy pace for a relatively short amount of time.

How to Track Your Progress

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Timing yourself

If you want an objective measurement of your running progress, the watch never lies! Timing yourself over a predetermined distance is one of the most basic ways to assess your current fitness level. When possible, use the same measured loop or route to avoid any inconsistencies caused by the terrain or elevation.

Measure your distance

Measuring the distance you cover in a given amount of time is an excellent way to track your progress. One way to look at this approach is that your mileage will naturally increase as you get fitter, so there’s no need to set arbitrary mileage goals.

Lower heart rates

A heart rate monitor is an excellent tool for measuring your effort and tracking your fitness progress. In theory, a decrease in heart rate at any given intensity should be a sign of improved fitness because several cardiovascular adaptations have occurred that allow your heart to pump out more blood per beat, and thus it does not need to beat as frequently.

Proper Technique and Form

Running with proper form will allow you to run more efficiently. A good running technique allows you to save energy, run faster and farther with less effort, and avoid injury.

Tips for Maintaining Good Form and Avoid Injury

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  1. Look ahead

Don’t fix your gaze on your feet. Your gaze should be on the ground 10 to 20 feet ahead of you.

Your head jutting forward as you run puts a lot of stress on your neck and shoulder muscles, which can lead to tension. Hold your head so that your ears are directly over the middle of your shoulders when running to avoid leaning forward with your head.

  1. Hands at waist level

Try to keep your hands around hip level. Some beginners have a habit of raising their hands to their chests, especially when they are tired. But holding your arms that way can be tiring since this causes tightness and tension in your shoulders and back.

  1. Relax Your Hands

Keep your arms and hands as relaxed as you can while running. To do this, pretend you have an egg in both hands that you don’t want to break. Not relaxing your hands (clenching them) causes tension to form in your arms, shoulders, and neck.

  1. Relax Your Shoulders

Make sure your shoulders aren’t shrugged up too close to your ears. If they are, pull your shoulder blades together. Ensuring that your shoulders are relaxed makes breathing easier.

  1. Don’t Bounce 

If you bounce when you run, your head and body move up and down too much, which wastes a lot of energy. The higher you lift yourself off the ground, the more shock you have to absorb when landing, which causes fatigue in your legs.

  1. Check Your Posture

Your shoulders should be level, your back straight, and your head up. Maintain a neutral pelvis and keep your shoulders under your ears. Check your posture once in a while as you run since it is common to slump as you get tired. Ensure that you’re not leaning forward or back at the waist.

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What to Eat Before Running

When you create a running plan to lose weight, you should factor in your rest and your nutrition. Providing your body with the nutrients it needs before you run is important to minimize injury and to make the most out of it.

Pick something to eat that is high in carbohydrates and lower in fat, fiber, and protein. Try to avoid sugary drinks, processed foods, high-fat foods, and high-fiber foods.

What to Eat After Running

Another thing you need to think about as you go through your running weight loss plan is consuming the right food after running. This is essential to replenish your energy, repair the micro-tears in your muscles, and replace electrolytes and minerals lost through sweat.

Some post-run food suggestions include recovery bars with a 3:1 balance of carbs and protein, protein shakes, fresh fruit smoothies, tuna, salmon, or chicken.

Note: Ensure you stay hydrated throughout your whole run.

Running Plan for Weight Loss

Here is the basic formula for a great running weight loss plan.

  • Train three days a week
  • Run 20 to 30 minutes, two days a week
  • Take a longer run at around 40 minutes to an hour on the weekend. Assess yourself and add a few miles or lengthen the running duration if you think you can do it.
  • Rest or cross-train on your off days
  • Run at a conversational pace
  • Consider taking regular walk-breaks


To sum it all up, running is a great and effective way to shave a few pounds, especially if you’re doing it the right way.

If you need more assistance in creating personalized running plans for weight loss tailored to your needs and goals, visit the Trainest App today.

Running for Weight Loss | Trainest
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