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How to Create a Fat-Burning Workout Plan

By Trainest Team

A fit woman using a skinfold caliper on her abdomen | Trainest

Have you been working out lately but it seems like it’s not effective for losing the fat you want to get rid of? Your fat-burning workout plan might not be the one for you.

Carrying around too much weight feels uncomfortable, and it can also damage your health. An exercise program that is tailored specifically to your needs is a great way to stay physically and mentally fit.

Continue reading this article and learn how to create a fat-burning workout plan that works. And, the first step is to set achievable and realistic goals.

Setting Realistic Fitness Goals

  1. Focus on one goal at a time. One of the biggest errors people make is trying to do too much at once. Instead, pick one thing you want to achieve and focus your efforts on it. And in this case, it’s to lose stubborn body fat.
  2. Make it measurable, specific, and time-bound. Setting goals that you can measure allows you to monitor your progress. It’s not enough that your goal is to ”burn fat.” Be specific such as “hit 5 burpees in one minute.”
  3. Set the bar low at first. Make sure your goal is attainable. The more success you experience in your fitness journey, the more committed you will be. Immediately setting a hard-to-achieve goal might have some negative effects on your overall motivation.
  4. Play the long game. Nothing is instant when it comes to reaching your goals. Expect that you won’t succeed in a day so be consistent in making progress.
  5. Understand what’s driving your goal. Whenever you feel like you’re losing the motivation and drive to continue, just remember why you started in the first place.
  6. Consider a professional’s input. Personal trainers can help you create a workout plan by assessing your needs, fitness level, and goals.  They can provide you with the physical and mental support to succeed. Find your certified professional trainers in Trainest.

Learn how to find the best online personal fitness trainer that caters to your needs.

The Best Fat-Burning Exercises for Beginners

A fit woman exercising outdoors | Trainest

Whether you work out at the gym or in the comforts of your home, you might want to add the following fat loss exercises to your regimen:

  1. Jumping Jacks.
    Jumping jacks are a quick and effective total-body exercise that you can do anywhere. It works your glutes, quadriceps, and hip flexors.Beginners should begin with 3 sets of 20 reps each day, combined with other exercises.
  2. Burpees.
    One of the best exercises for burning fat is the burpee. Burpees are a full-body exercise that improves your cardio while targeting your chest, shoulders, triceps, quads, and glutes.For best results, beginners should aim for three to four sets of 10 to 15 reps.
  3. Squat Jumps.
    If you’re looking for a lower-body exercise that can add a cardio element to your fat-burning workout plan, consider practicing jump squats.Start by doing 3–4 sets of 10–15 reps and gradually increase the volume as you improve.
  1. Plank Jacks.
    The plank is a fantastic exercise for strengthening the core and reducing lower back pain. You can make this activity into a great cardio workout that raises your heart rate and burns even more calories by adding the jumping jacks movement.It’s recommended that you begin by doing plank jacks for 30 seconds to 1 minute or complete 2 or 3 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions.
  2. High Knees.
    Performing high knees is a go-to exercise for fat loss. It’s great at burning calories while improving your cardiovascular health.Start with sets of 30 seconds. After you’re comfortable with the exercise, add some more challenges by performing the exercise at a faster pace, lifting your knees higher, or lengthening the sets.

If you are here to know if there’s a single best exercise to burn fat, you won’t have your answer. Burning fat takes more than just putting random exercises together. For consistent and effective results, creating a workout plan is far better for reaching your goals sustainably.

Workout Schedule

A woman working out | Trainest

A regular workout schedule enables you to monitor your progress toward your goals. You can improve your consistency, increase your activity level, enhance your health, and have a stronger sense of mental well-being as a result.

Here is a basic breakdown of what to include in your schedule:

Strength training: three days per week, one hour per session.

High-intensity interval training: one day per week, 20 minutes per session.

Steady-state cardio: one day per week, 35 to 45 minutes per session.

Two days of active recovery.

You may use it as a starting point and modify it to suit your needs. Don’t worry if you miss a workout once in a while, just get back on track, do the next workout, and keep working hard.

Note: Every workout should begin with a warm-up of at least five to 10 minutes.

Monitor Your Progress

Someone using a workout app on their phone | Trainest

You probably heard it multiple times. Every fitness blog, post, and video out there tells you to monitor your fitness progress. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Monitoring your progress allows you to be more efficient in your time and workouts.
  • Effective for additional accountability to yourself and your goals.
  • Helps you stay focused and committed to the plan.
  • Can serve as a motivation and a reminder of why you started in the first place.
  • Makes it easy to modify your routine and see where adjustments need to be made.

But if you are still unsure about creating your own plan, you can purchase workout programs on trusted platforms like Trainest where only certified personal trainers are allowed to offer their service. You can also get coaching services from professionals who assess your physical needs, fitness level, schedule, equipment, and goals to create a custom routine for you.

Ultimately, our bodies are different from each other. Experiment combining fat burning exercises, be consistent, and monitor your progress so you can easily adjust and tailor your workout plan to your needs and goals.

Fat-Burning Workout Plan | Trainest
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