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Rules for Choosing & Using Sports Supplements and Drinks

By Trainest Team

A fit person wearing gym clothes and drinking a green-colored smoothie | Trainest

The world of sports supplements and drinks can be overwhelming. With a plethora of options available, it’s crucial to understand the rules for choosing and using these products to maximize their benefits and ensure your overall well-being.

Rules for Choosing Sports Drinks and Supplements

A person in a gym pointing to the nutrition label of a fitness supplement | Trainest

  1. Consult with a professional

It’s important to discuss this with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before starting any supplement regimen. This can help ensure that the supplements are safe and appropriate for your specific needs. This step can prevent any potential health issues and make sure you’re getting the most out of your supplement routine.

  1. Understand your needs

To select the right supplements for your needs, first, identify your specific goals and nutritional requirements. Different sports and activities may necessitate different types of supplements. Also, consider the allergies or sensitivities you may have when selecting supplements.

  1. Evaluate different types of supplements

There are a lot of varieties of supplements in the market. There are ergogenic aids, herbal supplements, and vitamins and minerals, which can also come in powders, tablets, capsules, syrups, gummies, and more.

Do your own research when comparing a supplement to another. See if there is research showing that one type is safer, more effective, or easier for you to take than the other.

  1. Read the labels

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) does not regulate the effectiveness or safety of supplements as strictly as it regulates drugs. This is why it’s important for you to read the labels carefully and pay closer attention to ingredients, dosage, quality, and health claims.

  1. Look for scientific evidence

Look for supplements backed by scientific research. Claims that sound too good to be true probably are. Choose products with evidence supporting their effectiveness and safety.

  1. Third-party testing

There is a wide range of supplements being sold, and most of them can claim that they are the best post workout supplement or best pre workout drink.

Consider sports supplements that go through third-party supplement testing. Supplements can contain banned substances without athletes knowing, which can affect their eligibility for getting a positive drug test.

Some credible third-party testing certificates include NSF Certified for Sport, Informed Sport, Informed Choice, USP Verified, the general NSF mark, or ConsumerLab.

These third-party companies are usually testing most products for one or more of the following:

  • The supplement comprises the ingredients and quantities specified on the label.
  • Consistency is maintained in the standardization of products across different batches.
  • The supplement is devoid of harmful levels of contaminants or potential drug impurities.
  • There are no undisclosed ingredients present in the product.

Rules for Using Sports Drinks and Supplements

A muscular man scooping out of a powdered-supplement tub | Trainest

  1. Take the proper dosage

To ensure safe and effective use of supplements, follow the recommended dosage provided by the manufacturer or advised by a healthcare professional.

It’s essential to remember that more is not always better. Consuming more than the recommended dosage can lead to adverse side effects or interact negatively with other medications or supplements you may be taking.

  1. Take supplements at the recommended time

To maximize the benefits of supplements, it’s crucial to take them at appropriate times. Some supplements can be a good pre workout drink to boost your energy and enhance your performance before working out, while others are more effective after working out. Additionally, some supplements should be taken with meals to enhance absorption.

Following the recommended timing guidelines provided by the manufacturer or a doctor can help you get the most out of your supplement regimen.

  1. Stay hydrated

To ensure your body functions optimally, especially when taking supplements like creatine or caffeine, it’s essential to stay well-hydrated. These supplements can impact hydration levels, so it’s crucial to drink plenty of water before, during, and after taking them. Proper hydration can help prevent adverse side effects and ensure that your body can absorb and utilize the supplements effectively.

  1. Monitor side effects

It’s crucial to monitor how your body responds to supplements.

If you experience any adverse effects, such as headaches, nausea, or allergic reactions, it’s essential to stop using the supplement immediately. Some supplements may interact negatively with medications or have side effects. Regularly assessing your body’s response to supplements can help ensure that you are using them safely and effectively.

  1. Eat whole foods

Supplements should complement a well-balanced diet, not completely replace it. While supplements can help fill nutritional gaps, they may not contain the same range of beneficial compounds found in whole foods.

Popular Sports Supplements

An array of powdered sports supplements | Trainest

  1. Protein Supplement

Protein supplements, which are commonly marketed as a means to build muscle, are available as milk- or plant-based protein. These supplements are usually sold as powders that can be mixed with water, milk, or other liquids.

One of the significant advantages of protein supplements is that they are convenient to use. After a workout, it’s more convenient and quicker to drink a protein shake than to prepare and consume a healthy, high-protein meal. This is because protein supplements can be consumed on the go, making them a popular choice for busy individuals or athletes who need to replenish their protein levels quickly.

  1. Creatine

Available as a powder or pill and can be found in energy snack bars and drinks. Creatine is an organic compound that plays a crucial role in generating energy for muscle contractions.

While creatine can be obtained from food sources such as meat and fish, some individuals may have difficulty consuming enough creatine through their diet. This is because the amount of creatine found in food sources may not be sufficient to meet the demands of intense physical activity.

  1. Caffeine

Consuming caffeine before engaging in physical activity can help delay the depletion of carbohydrates that are used during exercise, ultimately improving endurance.

This is because caffeine stimulates the breakdown of stored fat, which can be an alternative source of energy during exercise, thereby sparing the body’s glycogen stores. As a result, athletes may be able to sustain their energy levels for longer periods of time during intense physical activity.


These rules can help you confidently choose which sports supplements and drinks can fit your needs and align with your goals while prioritizing your health and well-being. Always remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, so listen to your body and make adjustments as needed.

Rules for Sports Supplements | Trainest
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