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The Best Low-Impact Exercises to Lose Weight

By Trainest Team

People exercising at the gym | Trainest

Losing weight can be a hard-to-achieve goal, especially if you dislike high-impact exercises. Low-impact exercises, fortunately, can be just as effective. In this article, we’ll look at some of the best low-impact easy exercises to lose weight.


A woman walking outdoors | Trainest

Brisk walking is considered a low-impact, moderate-intensity workout that does not exert excess strain on joints such as your hip, knee, and ankles, which are susceptible to injury with higher-impact workouts.

At a moderate pace of 2.5 miles/hour, a 150-pound person will burn approximately 100 calories for every mile he or she walks. At the same pace, a person who weighs about 120  pounds can burn approximately 85 calories per mile.

Increasing your pace would also burn more calories. A general rule of thumb for losing weight requires you to walk about 3 – 4 times a week on alternating days for about 30 – 90 minutes. You can enjoy the scenery and walk outdoors or control every aspect of your exercise (i.e, incline and speed) by walking on a treadmill, whichever you prefer.


A man swimming in a lap pool | Trainest

Swimming is the ability to move through the water by using both arm and leg motions and the body’s inherent ability to float. Workouts that involve water are low-impact and are generally less harsh on your feet, knees, and hips. Swimming can help you gain muscle and improve your cardiovascular health without putting a lot of unwanted stress on your body as a high-impact exercise would.

Swimming for 30 minutes (at a moderate pace) burns around 250 calories. If you do that four times a week, you’ll lose more than one pound per month.


A cyclist riding uphill | Trainest

Biking or cycling is frequently recommended as a safe, low-impact form of aerobic exercise. Compared to other forms of exercise, it enables you to increase your heart rate without putting a lot of strain on your knees, ankles, and other joints. Cycling is also a great approach to assist you in losing additional weight without demanding advanced athletic abilities.

If you want to lose weight, make a routine of cycling for at least 30 minutes at a moderate intensity level several times a week. Cycling for longer burns more calories.


A woman performing Yoga | Trainest

Yoga is a mind-body exercise that connects the body, breath, and mind. Different types of yoga incorporate physical poses, breathing exercises, and meditation or relaxation techniques passed down from teacher to student through the decades.

According to several credible studies, yoga can help in managing or reducing your stress levels, mood enhancement, and control over emotional eating. Yoga can help you lose weight, so practice it as often as you can. You can perform a more active, strenuous form of yoga at least 3-5 times a week (for at least an hour).


A woman on a rowing machine | Trainest

Next on the list is another non-weight-bearing exercise that offers a full-body cardio and strength training for people with joint issues. To be able to do rows, you will need access to a rowing machine, which means this will most likely be a gym-based workout unless you have your own equipment in your house.

Rowing can enhance your cardiovascular health, build endurance, improve arm, leg, and core strength, as well as burn calories.

Consistency and duration of workouts are essential when rowing for weight loss. Aim to row for 30 to 50 minutes 5 – 6 times a week for best results. Also, aim for a comfortable level of constant, moderate work where you are still able to maintain a conversation.


A couple rollerblading | Trainest

Roller skating or in-line skating is recommended if you want an easy exercise to lose weight while having fun and feeling like a kid again. Almost every muscle in the body is worked and used while skating, and gliding requires coordinated leg movement, which is essential for joint flexibility. It also strengthens the muscles in the legs and abdomen.

You can lose weight and lessen your chance of developing weight-related diseases, including heart disease and diabetes, by roller skating for 30 minutes, which can increase your heart rate to 148 beats per minute. Inline skating for an hour can burn up to 600 calories.


Group workout in a gym | Trainest

If you’re looking to lose weight, low-impact exercises can be the “best exercise for fat burn.” Try incorporating some of the exercises to burn fat that we’ve discussed in this article into your routine and see how they work for you.

Remember that every body is different, and suggestions for fat loss exercise do not work for everyone. Studies show that some people lose more or less weight than others, even when they exercise at the same intensity and duration.

If you need assistance in creating a workout routine that matches your needs and goals, work with professional trainers in Trainest and achieve your fitness goals in no time.

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