Child’s Pose Video Exercise Guide

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Child’s Pose Overview

Child’s Pose, also known as Balasana, is a basic and soothing yoga posture that offers a deep stretch and relaxation for the body and mind. This pose is commonly used as a gentle counterpose or rest during yoga practice.

Anyone may do this posture, regardless of fitness level, and it is easily adaptable to meet various needs, such as using props like blocks, blankets, or cushions for additional support.

Child’s Pose stretch can also be a valuable addition to fitness routines beyond yoga, offering a restorative stretch after intense workouts or as part of a cool-down routine.


Child’s Pose Instructions

Child's Pose Animated

Here’s how to do Child’s Pose:

Step 1: Widen your knees on the floor beyond shoulder-width apart, keeping the top of your foot planted on the floor and your toes touching each other. Lower your glutes toward your heels.

Step 2: Lower your belly between your thighs, and with your palms on the ground, stretch your arms forward. Plant your forehead on the ground.

Step 3: Hold based on the trainer’s recommended duration.

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Common Child’s Pose Variations

These child’s pose stretch variations can be incorporated depending on your comfort level, flexibility, and specific goals you aim to achieve with your practice.

Thread the Needle Child's Pose
For this variation, slide one arm underneath the other, bringing your shoulder and head down to the mat. It adds a gentle twist, relieving upper back and shoulder tension while stretching the arms.
Reclined Child's Pose
In this variation, sit on your heels and lean back to rest your torso on your thighs, with arms extended behind or by your sides. This helps relieve pressure on the knees and lower back while providing a gentle stretch.
Extended Child’s Pose
This involves reaching your arms forward with palms down, lengthening from fingertips to hips. This deepens the spine and shoulder stretch, relieving upper back tension and enhancing flexibility.
Supported Child’s Pose
Placing a bolster or cushion under your chest in Child’s Pose helps you relax deeper into the stretch, reducing stress across the entire spine and focusing on the lower back.
Puppy Pose
This variation involves staying in a Child's Pose position but keeping the hips lifted and the arms extended forward. This focuses on stretching the spine and upper back.

Child’s Pose Tips

  • Breathe deeply and slowly, focusing on expanding the ribcage and abdomen with each inhale to deepen the stretch.
  • Place a cushion or block under your forehead, chest, or knees for extra support and to help relax into the pose.
  • Actively press your belly against your thighs.

Child’s Pose Common Mistakes

  1. Rushing into the Pose: Forcing yourself into a deep stretch too quickly can lead to discomfort or even strain.
  2. Keeping Knees Too Close: While knees together can be helpful for lower back support, keeping them too close when you want a deeper hip stretch limits the pose.
  3. Arching the Back: Arching or overextending the back can cause strain.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can’t sit back on my heels?
Sitting completely on your heels is not necessary. For a more comfortable position, lay a blanket or pillow between your hips and heels.

Can Child’s Pose help with stress relief?
Child’s Pose encourages calmness, awareness, and a feeling of stability, all of which can ease tension and promote mental calmness.

Can I practice Child’s Pose if I have tight hips?
Yes. Child’s Pose benefits tight hips. You may adjust it by extending your knees or easing into the stretch using props.

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