Trainest Blog

Content that helps you achieve your fitness goals and sustain a healthy lifestyle.

• 4-minute read
If you're looking to gain weight and muscle, meal planning is an essential part of your journey. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you succeed in creating the best weight gain meal plan......
Make Healthier Choices | Trainest
• 4-minute read
How to Make Healthier Choices When Eating Out
A guide to eating healthy seems to be tossed out the window when you’re trying new restaurants. When eating out, people often consume fewer fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and more calories, saturated fat, and salt. In actuality, foods consumed...
Carbonated Water | Trainest
• 5-minute read
How Carbonated Water Influences Your Body
Carbonated water, also popularly known as sparkling water, contains carbon dioxide bubbles. This gas might be naturally occurring or could be added to still water. Although carbonated water has been around for a while, it has gained popularity recently. According...
Guide to Sugar Intake | Trainest
• 4-minute read
Comprehensive Guide for Daily Sugar Intake
According to studies, 59% of buyers doubt the decisions they're making for their families, and 80% of shoppers encounter conflicting nutritional information. However, consumers are clear on the necessity of a healthy change......
Cooking and TEF | Trainest
• 4-minute read
Relationship Between Cooking and the Thermic Effect of Food
The increase in your metabolic rate after eating a meal is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). It is also referred to as the quantity of energy needed by your body to break down, absorb, and process the...
Lower Grocery Bill | Trainest
• 4-minute read
How To Lower Grocery Bill But Keep It Healthy
Everything is so expensive these days! And it can make finding ways on how to save money on groceries feel almost impossible. But don’t worry! We came up with a list of helpful tips that can help you reduce grocery...
Core Exercises | Trainest
• 5-minute read
Core Exercises to Do at Home
Core exercises train your core muscles, including your obliques, to work together. This results in improved balance and steadiness, also known as stability. Stability is essential whether you're on the playing field or doing regular daily activities such as lifting...
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